Here's How To Apply Beard Oil Like A Boss
We’ve dedicated quite a few column inches to the benefits of the ingredients of our beard oil, but we’ve never addressed one of the most common questions we receive – how to actually apply beard oil for the best results.
The contact form of the CHUDE website is frequently adorned with new customers asking us how often they should they actually be applying their new purchase, and we’re happy to oblige now, with this new article on exactly how to apply beard oil for maximum effect.
Some seasoned beard growers will tell you that they apply their beard oil daily, and others will swear that every other day gets the job done.
This is a tricky one, because of course everyone is different, and you may find for instance that everyday use just isn’t necessary if your beard is feeling softer and less itchy after just a few applications each week.
We recommend starting with a small amount every day, then try decreasing the frequency until you reach the desired results.
When Should I Apply My Beard Oil?
Applying a beard oil first thing in the morning after a shower is without doubt one of the best times to apply it.
After a warm shower, your pores will be open and the oil will be able to penetrate both the skin and the hair far better. In general, it’s always best to apply the oil to a damp beard, so this is the ideal time.
Why not try applying a little oil before bed too? This will allow it to work its magic over night as you sleep, leaving your skin and beard hairs gloriously soft for you in the morning, and your skin feeling moisturised and itch free – boom!
Would you like to know more about what goes into making the best berad oils? Follow this link.
Slap It On or Easy Does it?
When it comes to how much to apply, the CHUDE Bergamot beard comes with a handy pipette, so there’s no guess work involved here.
Just three to five drops into the palm of your hand will be perfectly sufficient.
This is the fun part, and where you’re really going to begin to see the real-time benefits of a great, all-natural beard oil.
Warm those three to five droplets into your hands, and massage it through your damp beard, paying attention to cover the whole beard. Try working upwards under your chin, then pull down on the entire beard to finish.
Most commonly people find working the oil through with their hands is more than sufficient, but a beard comb can be great for getting an even spread of oil throughout the full length of the beard hair from root to tip.
It doesn’t take long to start seeing results from regular application of beard oil, and you’ll be surprised from the very first application how much softer your beard is looking and feeling.
Couple that with added bonus of smoother, moisturised skin underneath, and you’ll soon start to see why this really is the secret weapon in the bathroom cabinet of every avid beard grower.
Got any good tips and advice for applying your beard oil? We’d love to hear from you in the comments below.
To find out more about CHUDE all-natural Bergamot beard oil, go here. Or get 10% OFF your first order today, when you enter WELCOME2021 at checkout!
Thanks for the tips. Nice read.
Nice article, I would definitely agree that adding applying morning and evening works best.